Yesterday I attended Barb Smith's,( Theodora Cleave buttons ), " Day Of Play " in Baxter which was hosted by the lovely Karen from Mrs Martin's Quilt Shop. I was so excited knowing that I was going to catch up with my bloggy friends Shez and Melody who I had not seen for a year and I wanted to make them both a little something. I think I showed the works in progress as secret sewing so here are the finished pressies.
This one was for Mel as I , for some reason, thought it called her name when I found the design in an English magazine. I tweaked the design a little as it originally had a worm in the bird's mouth and said The Early Bird Catches The Worm. I got rid of all that and stitched stars freehand so it wouldn't be too bare.
This one was for Shez from Gail Pan's book "Patchwork Loves Embroidery" but I framed it instead of making it into something.
I couldn't believe how much trouble I had trying to find 8 " wooden embroidery hoops. Apparently, I have been told, Birch are no longer making them. Is this true? Does anyone know for sure? I am now hunting around Op Shops incase I cannot buy them anymore as I really love framing stitcheries in them. Anyhoo, mission accomplished, the girls have received them and now I am on to finishing some Christmas pressies.
So, the Day of Play was tremendous fun. I took some pics of the beautiful displays.
Shez, Mel and Cheryl oooing and ahhhing over all the buttons.
Shez and I
I will put some pics up of the things I made at the workshop next time. I hope you have had a wonderful weekend . Thanks for visiting. Angel Blessings.